Contact Us

For help or questions, please submit them here and we will typically get back to you within 2 business days.

Location & Contact Information

702 West 8th Street
Anderson, IN 46016
(765) 623-5011

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Our Story

Ambassador’s for God’s Creatures was established as a 501(c)3 in March of 2016. Our mission is to help pet owners access resources to keep their pets at home and out of the animal shelter system.

Under the Ambassador’s umbrella is The Spay and Neuter Assistance Project , which was launched in September of 2017, with the purpose of helping reduce pet overpopulation in Madison County. We offer financial assistance to low income families so they can spay and neuter their pets and we also assist those feeding and caring for stray and feral cats, by helping them with TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return). In April of 2019, we opened Mitzy’s Morsels Pet Food Pantry, which provides temporary and emergency pet food on a monthly basis, to residents of Madison County. In August 2019, we opened Mitzy's Thrift Shop. In September of 2020, we extended our services in to Delaware County. In the summer of 2021, we began our Cause for Compassion initiative.

We receive no local, state or federal funding. We are sustained solely by private donations, store revenue, grants and fundraising. If you’d like to help support our efforts in Madison or Delaware County, you can write a check to ‘Ambassadors for God’s Creatures’ and send it to PO Box 31, Pendleton, IN 46064. Or you can donate through the Ambassador’s Facebook Page (donate icon), or thru PayPal, at
Your donation is tax deductible!